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How to use the TechPub License Key ?

This FAQ answers the key questions about the new secure access to technical documentation using a license key and how to access the new folders DL - Document Library.

CFM has developped a new secure access to our LEAP Technical Documentation, using license keys to improve the security of the data and to manage access to the the new folders Document Library (DL).

Please find below the major questions about this topic. For more details, please consult the complete process available into the TechPub CALL report via myDownload widget / Technical Publications / ALL LEAP / TechPub CALL Reports directory.

1.      Are there several Keys ?

Each global revision of each publication has its own specific license key

The key is applicable for each global revision and all subsequent updates. Users do not need a new key for updates.

2.      For the license keys in the myTechPub Viewer ONLINE, do I have something to do ?

The license key is automatically included in the mytechPub Viewer ONLINE (via myTechPub widget). No action required on your part.

3.      For the license keys in the myTechPub viewer OFFLINE (virtual DVD), do I have something to do ?

The license key is automatically included during the download of the global revison publication of the myTechPub Viewer OFFILNE (via myDownload widget)

Users need to download, then import the corresponding key only one time at each new global revision publication to consult the LEAP documentation. The license can be used by an unlimited number of users (in webserver mode for example). Users do not need new key for updates.

The viewer installation procedure remains unchanged. After the download of a global revision, the system will include 2 files.

When you will launch the OFFLINE Viewer application, you will be requested to add the license key to access to the Publication :

4.      For the offline viewer (virtual DVD) : How do I find a key ? How can I access previous keys (old publications / archives) ?

Keys for new publications are downloaded with the virtual DVD offline viewer. You can also download both current and previous keys in the online viewer, via myTechPub viewer (in the offline licences section).

5.      For the offline viewer (virtual DVD) : what happens if I lost my license Key ?

Without the license key, this is not possible to consult the publication (LEAP only) on the offline viewer. You can download the key from the online viewer (myTechPub Viewer in the offline licences section). Please see above.

6.      For the offline viewer (virtual DVD) : is it possible to install a CFM56 publication (uncrypted) and a LEAP publication (crypted) on the same machine/server ?

The publications are independent and compatible, allowing a cohabitation of both types of publications.

7.     What is the difference between Document Library - Primary and Document Library -  Global Advanced

·        The Document Library – Primary is dedicated to procedures with a TechLevel 0

·        The Document Library – Global Advanced is dedicated to procedures with a TechLevel 1

8.     Will notifications be sent for the Document Library folders ?

For the moment, this is not possible to receive notifications for the DL folders. However, this possibility will be made available in the future. In the meantime, you can refer to all One Page Repairs included in the ESM, they are notified. The One Page Repair (in ESM) and its Full Disclosed Repair (in DL) are published at the same time, with the same issue numbers and issue dates.

9.     Who contact to upgrade my Technical Licence  Agreement ?

You can contact you Customer Support Manager, or open a CSC Case or Fleet Support via AskCFM widget.

10.     My technical license agreement has been updated/upgraded, what are the impacts ?

For the online viewer, no impact, your access rights are automatically updated.

For the offline viewer, you will have to download the new license key (Please refer to question 3- to download your new key). Then upload this new license key inside the offline viewer, and follow this process :

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